List of all moon names in our solar system
Explore the fascinating names of moons in our solar system! From Titan to Triton, each has its own unique story and characteristics to discover.

Our moon is a fascinating visible object in the night sky. The beauty of the moon is just incredible. Celestial objects such as galaxies, planets, nebulae, and moons are known for having cool names.

People see the names of these objects as inspirations for what to choose for their children or pets. In this article, we have covered all the names of the moons in our solar system.

There are a total of 214 natural satellites in our solar system. Each year, scientists discover new moons for many planets, so the number of moons changes every year.

We will see all the names of these moons. But before that, let’s take a quick look at how these moons are named.

How are moons named?

Usually, when naming galaxies and planets, they are named after their finder, the constellation, or just given a sequence of numbers for the catalog. When naming a moon, it is usually given a specific name related to its mythology or according to its parent planet.

There are certain guidelines and traditions followed while naming these moons. These guidelines were established by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). This organization is responsible for naming celestial objects. 

So below is the list of all the moon names.

List of all the moon names in our solar system

Out of all the moons, around 20 are completely spherical and have a shape like a planet. The remaining moons have various shapes. Some of the names of the moons are very catchy, and some of them just look like new numbers in the catalog.

So we will go according to the position of a planet in our solar system.

NameParent PlanetName Meaning
PhobosMarsThis Greek word means “flight.”
DeimosMarsDeimos means “fear” in Greek
IoJupiterNamed after The daughter of Inachus, Inachus was the first king of the city of Argos in Greek mythology
EuropaJupiterNamed after the Wife of Minos, king of Crete.
Ganymede JupiterNamed after the cupbearer of the Olympian gods.
CallistoJupiterNamed after the Beautiful daughter of Lycaon.
AmaltheaJupiterFoster-mother of Zeus
HimaliaJupiterA Rhodian nymph who bore three sons of Zeus.
ElaraJupiterNamed after the daughter of King Orchomenus, a paramour of Zeus.
PasiphaeJupiterA nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia
SinopeJupiterNamed after the daughter of the river god Asopus.
LysitheaJupiterNamed after the daughter of Kadmos, also named Semele, mother of Dionysos by Zeus.
CarmeJupiterCarme is a Cretan nymph, a daughter of Eubulus, and the mother of Britomartis by Zeus.
AnankeJupiterNamed after the goddess of fate and necessity.
LedaJupiterNamed after the queen of Sparta who was loved by Zeus
ThebeJupiterThe first wife of Zeus.
AdrasteaJupiterAdrastea was a nymph who, along with her sister Ida, nursed the infant Zeus on the island of Crete
MetisJupiterAitne was a lover of Zeus and the mother of the Sicilian king Eubuleus.
CallirrhoeJupiterOne of the Oceanids (daughters of the titan Oceanus)
ThemistoJupiterThemisto was a daughter of the river god Inachus
MegacliteJupiterDaughter of Macareus, who with Zeus gave birth to Thebe and Locrus.
TaygeteJupiterOne of the Pleiades, daughter of the titan Atlas.
ChaldeneJupiterBore the son Solymos with Zeus.
HarpalykeJupiterPrincess of Arcadia.
KalykeJupiterKalyke was one of the many daughters of the Titan Atlas
IocasteJupiterWife of Laius, King of Thebes, and mother of Oedipus.
ErinomeJupiterErinome is a nymph in Greek mythology who bore Zeus a son named Orchomenos.
IsonoeJupiterone of the many daughters of the river god Asopus, who was loved by Zeus.
PraxidikeJupiterPraxidike is the goddess of judicial punishment and the execution of sentences.
AutonoeJupiterThe mother of the hero Actaeon
ThyoneJupiterThyone was a lover of Zeus and the mother of Dionysus
HermippeJupiterShe was a lover of Zeus and bore him a son named Myrmidon
AitneJupiterPasithee was the goddess of charm, beauty, and fertility.
EurydomeJupiterEurydome was one of the three Graces, minor goddesses of charm, beauty, and fertility.
EuantheJupiterEuanthe was one of the many daughters of the river god Asopus who bore Zeus a son named Ismenus.
EuporieJupiterEuporie is a minor goddess of abundance.
OrthosieJupiterOrthosie is a minor Greek goddess of prosperity and abundance.
SpondeJupiterSponde is a minor Greek goddess of libations poured in honor of the gods.
KaleJupiterKale was one of the many daughters of the Titan Atlas who bore Zeus five daughters collectively known as the Hyades.
PasitheeJupiterPasithee was the goddesses of charm, beauty, and fertility.
HegemoneJupiterHegemone was a minor goddess of plants and fruit, particularly in the stage of maturation.
MnemeJupiterMneme was one of the Muses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who presided over various arts and sciences.
AoedeJupiterAoede was the Muse of song and voice.
ThelxinoeJupiterThelxinoe was the Muse of charming and soothing the mind.
ArcheJupiterArche was the Muse of origins and the beginning of things.
KallichoreJupiterKallichore was the Muse of dance and choral song.
HelikeJupiterHelike was one of the many daughters of the Titan Atlas who bore Zeus five daughters collectively known as the Hyades.
CarpoJupiterCarpo is a minor goddess of the harvest, specifically the act of harvesting and plucking fruits.
EukeladeJupiterEukelade was one of the many daughters of the Titan Atlas who bore Zeus five daughters collectively known as the Hyades.
CylleneJupiterCyllene was a nymph who bore Zeus a son named Lycaon.
KoreJupiterDaughter of Zeus and Demeter, also known as Persephone.
HerseJupiterHerse was a daughter of Cecrops, the mythical first king of Athens, and a lover of Zeus who bore him a son named Cephalus.
S/2010 J 1Jupiter
S/2010 J 2JupiterInuit goddess of the sea. Also known as Sedna
DiaJupiterDaughter of the river god Alpheus
S/2016 J 1Jupiter
S/2003 J 18Jupiter
S/2011 J 2Jupiter
EireneJupiterNamed after the Greek goddess of peace.
PhilophrosyneJupiterPhilophrosyne is a minor goddess personifying kindness, friendliness, and welcome.
S/2017 J 1Jupiter
S/2003 J 19Jupiter
ValetudoJupiterNamed after the Roman goddess of health and hygiene.
S/2017 J 2Jupiter
S/2017 J 3Jupiter
PandiaJupiterNamed after Pandia, the Greek goddess of the full moon.
S/2017 J 5Jupiter
S/2017 J 6Jupiter
S/2017 J 7Jupiter
S/2017 J 8Jupiter
S/2017 J 9Jupiter
ErsaJupiterNamed after the Greek goddess of dew.
S/2011 J 1Jupiter
S/2003 J 2Jupiter
S/2003 J 4Jupiter
S/2003 J 9Jupiter
S/2003 J 10Jupiter
S/2003 J 12Jupiter
S/2003 J 16Jupiter
S/2003 J 23Jupiter
S/2003 J 24Jupiter
S/2011 J 3Jupiter
S/2016 J 3Jupiter
S/2016 J 4Jupiter
S/2018 J 2Jupiter
S/2018 J 3Jupiter
S/2018 J 4Jupiter
S/2021 J 1Jupiter
S/2021 J 2Jupiter
S/2021 J 3Jupiter
S/2021 J 4Jupiter
S/2021 J 5Jupiter
S/2021 J 6Jupiter
S/2022 J 1Jupiter
S/2022 J 2Jupiter
S/2022 J 3Jupiter
MimasSaturnMimas was a Giant in Greek mythology, one of the Gigantes, and a son of Gaia (Earth).
EnceladusSaturnNamed after a Giant in Greek mythology who fought against the gods
TethysSaturnTethys was a Titaness and the wife of Oceanus, representing the fertile ocean that encircles the Earth.
DioneSaturnDione was a Titaness, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, and sometimes considered the mother of Aphrodite by Zeus.
RheaSaturnDaughter of Uranus and Gaia, sister and wife of Cronus, and mother of several major Olympian gods, including Zeus.
TitanSaturnTitans were a race of powerful deities, children of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), who preceded the Olympian gods.
HyperionSaturnThe father of the sun god Helios, the moon goddess Selene, and the dawn goddess Eos.
IapetusSaturnOne of the first generation Titaness. It means “shining” or “bright”. The original owner of the oracle of Delphi.
PhoebeSaturnNamed after the Wife of Minos, king of Crete.
JanusSaturnRoman god of beginnings, duality, time, and doorways.
EpimetheusSaturnOne of the Titans. Brother of Prometheus
HeleneSaturnA granddaughter of Kronos, for her beauty she triggered off the Trojan War.
TelestoSaturnDaughter of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys.
CalypsoSaturnLoge is a giant and the personification of fire.
AtlasSaturnAtlas is a Titan who was condemned to hold up the sky for eternity as punishment for rebelling against the Olympian gods.
PrometheusSaturnPrometheus is a Titan known for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humanity, symbolizing knowledge and progress.
PandoraSaturnPandora was the first woman created by the gods.
PanSaturnPan is the god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, rustic music, and companion of the nymphs.
YmirSaturnYmir is the primordial Norse giant and the progenitor of the race of frost giants.
PaaliaqSaturnPaaliaq is a shaman who could transform into different animals to escape his enemies.
TarvosSaturnA divine figure of a bull with three cranes perched on its back
IjiraqSaturnNamed for an Inuit giant.
SuttungrSaturnNamed for a Norse giant who kindled flames that destroyed the world.
KiviuqSaturnKiviuq is a legendary hero and shaman who embarks on a series of adventures across the Arctic.
MundilfariSaturnMundilfari is the father of Sól (the sun) and Máni (the moon), who were placed in the sky by the gods to light the world.
AlbiorixSaturnAlbiorix is a god of war, identified with the Roman god Mars.
SkathiSaturnSkathi (or Skadi) is a giantess associated with skiing, bowhunting, and winter.
ErriapusSaturnErriapus is a god of war, sometimes identified with the Roman god Mars.
SiarnaqSaturnNamed after Narfi, a Jötunn (giant) in Norse mythology
ThrymrSaturnThrymr is a giant who steals Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, and demands the goddess Freyja as his bride in exchange for its return.
NarviSaturnOne of the Alkyonides, the seven beautiful daughters of Alkyoneus
MethoneSaturnOne of the Alkyonides, the seven beautiful daughters of the Giant Alkyoneos.
PalleneSaturnA giant of Norse mythology. Grandson of Ymir
PolydeucesSaturnPolydeuces are the sons of Zeus and Leda. He is associated with horsemanship and boxing.
DaphnisSaturnA Sicilian shepherd, a descendant of the Titans
AegirSaturnAegir is a giant who rules over the ocean and hosts feasts for the gods.
BebhionnSaturnBebhionn is a goddess associated with childbirth and motherhood,
BergelmirSaturnIapetus was a Titan, the son of Uranus and Gaia, and the father of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius.
BestlaSaturnBestla is the mother of the gods Odin, Vili, and Ve, and the wife of the giant Borr.
FarbautiSaturnFarbauti is a giant and the father of Loki.
FenrirSaturnFenrir is a monstrous wolf, the son of Loki and the giantess Angrboda
FornjotSaturnFornjot is a giant associated with the elements of wind, fire, and water.
HatiSaturnGiant wolf from Norse mythology. Son of Fenrir
HyrrokkinSaturnNorse giantess who launched Balder’s funeral ship.
KariSaturnKari is a giant associated with wind and air.
LogeSaturnAlso known as Surt. Leader of the fire Jötunn (giants)
SkollSaturnSkoll is a wolf who chases the sun.
SurturSaturnMaster of illusions and master castle ruler of the castle Útgarðr in Norse mythology
AntheSaturnAnthe is one of the Alkyonides, the seven daughters of the giant Alkyoneus.
JarnsaxaSaturnJarnsaxa is a giantess and the mother of the god Thor’s sons Magni and Modi.
GreipSaturnGreip is one of the nine daughters of Geirrod.
TarqeqSaturnInuit moon spirit.
AegaeonSaturnAegaeon is a giant associated with the sea and storms.
GridrSaturnNorse giantess.
AngrbodaSaturnA female Jötunn (giant)
SkrymirSaturnNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s play Troilus and Cressida
GerdSaturnWife of the god Freyr
S/2004 S 26Saturn
EggtherSaturnA Jötunn (giant) who raises wolves
S/2004 S 29Saturn
BeliSaturnA Jötunn (giant)
GunnlodSaturnA female Jötunn (giant)
ThiazziSaturnA Jötunn (giant). Father of Skadi
S/2004 S 34Saturn
AlvaldiSaturnA Jötunn (giant). Father of Thiazzi
GeirrodSaturnA Jötunn (giant) who was killed by Thor
S/2004 S 7Saturn
S/2004 S 12Saturn
S/2004 S 13Saturn
S/2004 S 17Saturn
S/2004 S 21Saturn
S/2004 S 24Saturn
S/2004 S 28Saturn
S/2004 S 31Saturn
S/2004 S 36Saturn
S/2004 S 37Saturn
S/2004 S 39Saturn
S/2006 S 1Saturn
S/2006 S 3Saturn
S/2007 S 2Saturn
S/2007 S 3Saturn
S/2009 S 1Saturn
S/2019 S 1Saturn
ArielUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”
UmbrielUranusNamed after a character in Alexander Pope’s “The Rape of the Lock.”
TitaniaUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
OberonUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
MirandaUranusNamed by Kuiper for the heroine of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”
CordeliaUranusDaughter of Lear in Shakespeare’s “King Lear.”
OpheliaUranusDaughter of Polonius, fiance of Hamlet in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.”
BiancaUranusDaughter of Baptista, sister of Kate, in Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew.”
CressidaUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s play Othello
DesdemonaUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest
JulietUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.”
PortiaUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice.”
RosalindUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It.”
BelindaUranusCharacter in Pope’s “Rape of the Lock.”
PuckUranusMischievous spirit in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
CalibanUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”
SycoraxUranusSon of Poseidon (the Greek equivalent of Neptune) and messenger of the sea.
ProsperoUranusNamed for the rightful Duke of Milan in “The Tempest.”
SetebosUranusNamed after a deity in the mythology of the indigenous people of Tierra del Fuego.
StephanoUranusNamed after a character in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”
TrinculoUranusA jester in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”
FranciscoUranusA lord in “The Tempest.”
MargaretUranusA gentlewoman attending on Hero from “Much Ado About Nothing.”
FerdinandUranusSon of the King of Naples in “The Tempest.”
PerditaUranusDaughter of Leontes and Hermione in “The Winter’s Tale.”
MabUranusNamed after the Queen of the Fairies in Irish folklore.
CupidUranusA character in “Timon of Athens.”
TritonNeptuneSea nymphs in Greek mythology often accompanied Poseidon.
NereidNeptuneNamed after the Naiads, spirits or nymphs of rivers, seas, fountains, etc.
NaiadNeptuneA Nereid in Greek mythology was associated with saltwater.
ThalassaNeptuneGreek sea goddess. Mother of Aphrodite in some legends; others say she bore the Telchines.
DespinaNeptuneDaughter of Poseidon (Neptune) and Demeter.
GalateaNeptuneOne of the Nereids, attendants of Poseidon.
LarissaNeptuneNymph from Thelassy in Greek mythology
ProteusNeptuneShape-shifting sea god who could change his form at will.
HalimedeNeptuneA Nereid in Greek mythology was associated with the island of Samos.
PsamatheNeptuneA Nereid in Greek mythology was associated with the island of Naxos.
SaoNeptuneA Nereid in Greek mythology was associated with sand beaches.
LaomedeiaNeptuneA Trojan king who failed to honor a deal with Poseidon and was punished as a result.
NesoNeptuneThe mythical seahorse in Greek mythology is a symbol of Poseidon.
HippocampNeptuneMythical seahorse in Greek mythology is a symbol of Poseidon.
(unnamed)2003 AZ84
CharonPlutoNamed after the ferryman who carried souls across the river Styx in Greek mythology.
NixPlutoNamed after the Greek goddess of darkness and night.
HydraPlutoNamed after the nine-headed serpent of Greek mythology.
KerberosPlutoNamed after the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld in Greek mythology.
StyxPlutoNamed after the river that separates the world of the living from the underworld in Greek mythology.
S/2015 (136472) 1Makemake
(unnamed)2013 FY27

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