Discover the fascinating world of astronomy with our guide to Star names starting with letter A. Explore the mysteries of the universe today.

There are 9 stars in the International Astronomical Union‘s catalog which starts with A.

In the following table, we listed all these stars. The nomenclature of each star and their classification is as follows;

Star Name:- Name of the star.

Designation:- The scientific name of the star in the IAU catalog.

Constellation:- Constellation in which you can find this star.

Bayer Designation:- The name of the star in the German astronomer Johann Bayer’s catalog. A Bayer designation is a stellar designation in which a specific star is identified by a Greek or Latin letter followed by the genitive form of its parent constellation’s Latin name

Star NameDesignationConstellationBayer Designation
AbsolutnoXO-5Lynx_ Lyn
AcamarHR 897Eridanusθ1 Eri
AchernarHR 472Eridanusα Eri
AchirdHR 219Cassiopeiaη Cas
AcrabHR 5984Scorpiusβ1 Sco
ACruxxHR 4730Cruxα Cru
AcubensHR 3572Cancerα Cnc
AdhaferaHR 4031Leoζ Leo
AdharaHR 2618Canis Majorε CMa
AdhilHR 390Andromedaξ And
AinHR 1409TAurigausε Tau
AinalramiHR 7116Sagittariusν1 Sgr
AladfarHR 7298Lyraη Lyr
AlasiaHD 168746Serpens_ Ser
AlbaldahHR 7264Sagittariusπ Sgr
AlbaliHR 7950Aquariusε Aqr
AlbireoHR 7417Cygnusβ1 Cyg
AlchibaHR 4623Corvusα Crv
AlcorHR 5062Ursa Major80 UMa
AlcyoneHR 1165TAurigausη Tau
AldebaranHR 1457TAurigausα Tau
AlderaminHR 8162CePhoenixusα Cep
AldhanabHR 8353Grusγ Gru
AldhibahHR 6396Dracoζ Dra
AldulfinHR 7852Delphinusε Del
AlfirkHR 8238CePhoenixusβ Cep
AlgediHR 7754Capricornusα2 Cep
AlgenibHR 39Pegasusγ Peg
AlgiebaHR 4057Leoγ1 Leo
AlgolHR 936Perseusβ Per
AlgorabHR 4757Corvusδ Crv
AlhenaHR 2421Geminiγ Gem
AliothHR 4905Ursa Majorε UMa
AljanahHR 7949Cygnusε Cyg
AlkaidHR 5191Ursa Majorη UMa
AlkaluropsHR 5733Boötesμ1 Boo
AlkaphrahHR 3594Ursa Majorκ UMa
AlkarabHR 8905Pegasusυ Peg
AlkesHR 4287Craterα Crt
AlmaazHR 1605Aurigaε Aur
AlmachHR 603Andromedaγ And
AlnairHR 8425Grusα Gru
AlnaslHR 6746Sagittariusγ2 Sgr
AlnilamHR 1903Orionε Ori
AlnitakHR 1948Orionζ Ori
AlniyatHR 6084Scorpiusσ Sco
AlphardHR 3748Hydraα Hya
AlPhoenixccaHR 5793Corona Borealisα CrB
AlPhoenixratzHR 15Andromedaα And
AlPhoenixrgHR 437Piscesη Psc
AlrakisHR 6370Dracoμ Dra
AlreschaHR 596Piscesα Psc
AlrubaHR 6618Draco– Dra
AlsafiHR 7462Dracoσ Dra
AlsciaukatHR 3275Lynx31 Lyn
AlsephinaHR 3485Velaδ Vel
AlshainHR 7602Aquilaβ Aql
AlshatHR 7773Capricornusν Cap
AltairHR 7557Aquilaα Aql
AltaisHR 7310Dracoδ Dra
AlterfHR 3773Leoλ Leo
AluDracoHR 2827Canis Majorη CMa
Alula AusTriangulum AustralelisHR 4375Ursa Majorξ UMa
Alula BorealisHR 4377Ursa Majorν Uma
AlyaHR 7141Serpensθ1 Ser
AlzirrHR 2484Geminiξ Gem
AmadiohaHD 43197Canis Major_ CMa
AmansinayaWASP-34Crater_ Crt
AnadoluWASP-52Pegasus_ Peg
AnchaHR 8499Aquariusθ Aqr
AngetenarHR 850Eridanusτ2 Eri
AniaraHD 102956Ursa Major_ UMa
AnkaaHR 99Phoenixα Phe
AnSerpensHR 7405Vulpeculaα Vul
AntaresHR 6134Scorpiusα Sco
ArcalísHD 131496Boötes_ Boo
ArcturusHR 5340Boötesα Boo
Arkab PostEridanusorHR 7343Sagittariusβ2 Sgr
Arkab PriorHR 7337Sagittariusβ1 Sgr
ArnebHR 1865Lepusα Lep
AscellaHR 7194Sagittariusζ Sgr
Asellus AusTriangulum AustralelisHR 3461Cancerδ Cnc
Asellus BorealisHR 3449Cancerγ Cnc
AshleshaHR 3482Hydraε Hya
AspidiskeHR 3699Carinaι Car
AsteropeHR 1151TAurigaus21 Tau
AtakorakaWASP-64Canis Major_ CMa
AthebyneHR 6132Dracoη Dra
AtikHR 1131Perseusο Per
AtlasHR 1178TAurigaus27 Tau
AtriaHR 6217Triangulum Australeα TrA
AviorHR 3307Carinaε Car
AxólotlHD 224693Cetus_ Cet
AyeyarwadyHD 18742Eridanus_ Eri
AzelfafageHR 8301Cygnusπ1 Cyg
AzhaHR 874Eridanusη Eri
AzmidiHR 3045Puppisξ Pup

This list of names of the stars which were added till the year 2021. The latest names after 2021 are not yet added to this list.

Find more star names that start with the letter:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

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