Discover the fascinating world of astronomy with our guide to Star names starting with letter F. Explore the mysteries of the universe today!

There are 14 stars in the International Astronomical Union‘s catalog which starts with F.

In the following table, we listed all these stars. The nomenclature of each star and their classification is as follows;

Star Name:- Name of the star.

Designation:- The scientific name of the star in the IAU catalog.

Constellation:- Constellation in which you can find this star.

Bayer Designation:- The name of the star in the German astronomer Johann Bayer’s catalog. A Bayer designation is a stellar designation in which a specific star is identified by a Greek or Latin letter followed by the genitive form of its parent constellation’s Latin name

Star NameDesignationConstellationBayern Name
FafnirHR 6945Draco42 Dra
FangHR 5944Scorpiusπ Sco
FawarisHR 7528Cygnusδ Cyg
FelisHR 3923Hydra– Hya
FelixvarelaBD-17 63Cetus_ Cet
FlegetonteHD 102195Virgo_ Vir
FomalhautHR 8728Piscis Austrinusα PsA
FormosaHD 100655Leo_ Leo
FranzHAT-P-14Hercules_ Her
FuluHR 153Cassiopeiaζ Cas
FumalsamakahHR 8773Piscesβ Psc
FuniHD 109246Draco_ Dra
FurudHR 2282Canis Majorζ CMa
FuyueHR 6630Scorpius– Sco

This list of names of the stars which were added till the year 2021. The latest names after 2021 are not yet added to this list.

Find more star names that start with the letter:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

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