Take a cosmic journey with our guide to Star names starting with letter M. Discover the beauty and wonder of the universe. Read more now!

There are 53 stars in the International Astronomical Union‘s catalog which starts with Z.

In the following table, we listed all these stars. The nomenclature of each star and their classification is as follows;

Star Name:- Name of the star.

Designation:- The scientific name of the star in the IAU catalog.

Constellation:- Constellation in which you can find this star.

Bayer Designation:- The name of the star in the German astronomer Johann Bayer’s catalog. A Bayer designation is a stellar designation in which a specific star is identified by a Greek or Latin letter followed by the genitive form of its parent constellation’s Latin name

Star NameDesignationConstellationBayer Name
MaasymHR 6526Herculesλ Her
MacondoHD 93083Antlia_ Ant
MagoHD 32518Camelopardalis_ Cam
MahasimHR 2095Aurigaθ Aur
MahsatiHD 152581Ophiuchus_ Oph
MaiaHR 1149Taurus20 Tau
MalmokWASP-39VirgoV732 Vir
MarfikHR 6149Ophiuchusλ Oph
MarkabHR 8781Pegasusα Peg
MarkebHR 3734Velaκ Vel
MarsicHR 6008Herculesκ Her
MatarHR 8650Pegasusη Peg
MazaalaiHAT-P-21Ursa Major_ UMa
MebsutaHR 2473Geminiε Gem
MegrezHR 4660Ursa Majorδ UMa
MeissaHR 1879Orionλ Ori
MekbudaHR 2650Geminiζ Gem
MelephHR 3429Cancerε Cnc
MenkalinanHR 2088Aurigaβ Aur
MenkarHR 911Cetusα Cet
MenkentHR 5288Centaurusθ Cen
MenkibHR 1228Perseusξ Per
MerakHR 4295Ursa Majorβ Uma
MergaHR 5533Boötes38 Boo
MeridianaHR 7254Corona Australisα CrA
MeropeHR 1156Taurus23 Tau
MesarthimHR 546Ariesγ1 Ari
MiaplacidusHR 3685Carinaβ Car
MimosaHR 4853Cruxβ Cru
MinchirHR 3418Hydraσ Hya
MinelauvaHR 4910Virgoδ Vir
MintakaHR 1852Orionδ Ori
MiraHR 681Cetusο Cet
MirachHR 337Andromedaβ And
MiramHR 834Perseusη Per
MirfakHR 1017Perseusα Per
MirzamHR 2294Canis Majorβ Cma
MisamHR 941Perseusκ Per
MizarHR 5054Ursa Majorζ UMa
MoldoveanuXO-1Corona Borealis_ CrB
MontunoWASP-79Erinadus_ Eri
MoravaWASP-60Pegasus_ Peg
MoriahHAT-P-23Delphinus_ Del
MothallahHR 544Triangulumα Tri
MouhounHD 30856Eridanus_ Eri
MpingoWASP-71Cetus_ Cet
MulipheinHR 2657Canis Majorγ CMa
MuphridHR 5235Boötesη Boo
MuscidaHR 3323Ursa Majorο UMa
MusicaHR 8030Delphinus18 Del
MuspelheimHAT-P-29Perseus_ Per
MárohuWASP-6Aquarius_ Aqr
MönchHD 130322Virgo_ Vir

This list of names of the stars which were added till the year 2021. The latest names after 2021 are not yet added to this list.

Find more star names that start with the letter:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

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